Hiring our first Designer in Residence (Summer 2020 role)

Jeff Morris Jr.
2 min readMay 19, 2020

Chapter One is hiring our first Designer in Residence (summer internship role), based anywhere in the world with an internet connection.

You are wildly creative and have designed some weird, out-of-the-box shit on mobile and web. You love 0–1 design and building original concepts, but also know how to design a deck.

You find happiness from prototyping things and building brands from scratch. Although you’re a designer first, you are probably pretty technical (or nerd out in esoteric no code debates).

The internship is paid and will last from the sunny summer months of June 2020 to September 2020.

We are specifically looking for a product designer who is in college or a similar career stage, and has already built a unique design portfolio through summer roles or personal design work.

Maybe you have interned at an ad agency or somewhere like Figma. Or perhaps you go to art school and learned how to design online.

A few parts of the role that will feel different:

Work with our entire portfolio & have exposure to many industries:
We will support our early stage portfolio companies by helping them design mobile and web products from scratch. We have 17 portfolio companies in Fund One (and many others throughout the portfolio).

You will be their pinch hitter when needed — and will get the chance to solve problems in education, labor marketplaces, productivity tools, and a bunch of other things. Check out our portfolio to see the wide range of companies (http://chapterone.vc/companies)

Design new products for Chapter One:
We are shipping a new product this summer at Chapter One that has not been announced. The product is currently in development and you will be the lead designer on the project.

Ship original experiments that you come up with:
We will support your creative ideas and encourage design experiments that help people get jobs, find happiness, or whatever else you want to do to make the world less sucky right now.

To apply, send a note with your design portfolio or something similar to internship@chapterone.vc — with the subject line “Designer In Residence”


Chapter One is an early stage fund that has many of Silicon Valley’s top funds and investors backing us. We would list off LP names but VC Brags is probably reading this as we speak.



Jeff Morris Jr.
Jeff Morris Jr.

Written by Jeff Morris Jr.

Founder and investor @ChapterOne. Previously led revenue @Tinder ($MTCH). Became #1 top grossing app. Follow me @jmj.

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